Wednesday, December 17, 2014

How To Fix You Body And Brain In 2015

How To Fix You Body And Brain In 2015
Alzheimer's disease affects millions of Americans. There is no cure and is a leading cause of death.
A very small research project in UCLA is report some steps you can take to reverse some of the symptoms of dementia and obesity. Simple low cost things like taking Vitamin D and DHA supplements and normalizing insulin levels.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

How To Overcome The Struggle Of Weight Loss

How To Overcome The Fear Of Weight Loss
Weight loss starts in your head and sometimes you need a reminder of the reasons why you want to lose weight and how to not give up the struggle. Rest if you must, but don't you quite.

Yes, Generic Drug Prices Are Going Up!

Yes, Generic Drug Prices Are Going Up!
Generic drugs are seen as low-cost substitute for brand name drugs, however, the Senate's investigation into this problem has uncovered a completely different image.
They found increasing prices for generic drugs, implying that many Americans experiencing ailments that require long-term drugs most likely can not afford the cost of these lifesaving drugs.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Medicare Is NOT Part Of Obamacare!

Medicare Is NOT Part Of Obamacare!
October is health insurance month for millions of Americans, both under and over 65 years of age an important month of registration.The annual open enrollment period for Medicare, which runs from October 15 to December 7 this year overlaps with the initial registration for the Health Insurance Market, a cornerstone of the Act Affordable Care (also known as Obamacare).But do not confuse the two. They serve different populations.

Monday, November 17, 2014

How To Find The Right Exercise Program For Weight Loss

How To Find The Right Exercise Program For Weight Loss
Dieters need to maintain normal muscle tone, exercise, increase strength and maintain health.
There are several other benefits that exercising offers, they keep dieters living healthier and steering clear of disease.
The ideal exercise program must suit your physical needs and abilities . Here are some tips to get you started.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Avoid The Flu Get Your Shots Now!

Avoid The Flu Get Your Shots Now! New options for influenza vaccinations are available, but some may be in limited supply.Doctors say timing is important, so if people can't find their preferred option, they should go ahead and get a flu shot of another type. In this video tutorial we share what you need to know to protect yourself and your family.

Generic Drug May Be Treatment For Diabetes

Generic Drug May Be Treatment For Diabetes
A team of researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham might have found the cure for diabetes in their clinical tests of Verapamil. One of the best parts of this research is that Verapamil is an already FDA approved generic drug.

Verapamil May Be A Treatment For Diabetes

Verapamil May Be A Treatment For Diabetes
A team of researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham might have found the cure for diabetes in their clinical tests of Verapamil. One of the best parts of this research is that Verapamil is an already FDA approved generic drug.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Everything You Need To Know About Cataract Eye Surgery

Everything You Need To Know About Cataract Eye Surgery- in this video tutorial we share everything you need to know about Cataract Eye Surgery from start to finish.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

My Experience With Cataract Surgery & What You Need To Know

In this video tutorial I take you with me to my cataract operation and share all that happens during this painless procedure.A operation that if we live long enough we will all go through.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

How To Make Kefir Probiotic Milk At Home For FREE!!

How To Make Kefir Probiotic Milk For FREE!
In this video tutorial we are sharing our recipe on how to make Kefir Probiotic Milk at home for FREE! A Kefir milk shake has over 30 micro-flora due to the fermentation probiotic action of its bacteria and yeast culture clusters.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

How To Make Sugar FREE Cherry Cheese Pie

In this video tutorial we share our delicious Sugar FREE Cherry Cheese Pie. This recipe is one of over 300 recipes we offer FREE at, enjoy and please share.

Friday, October 24, 2014

How To Make Roasted Pepper Roll-Ups

How To Make Roasted Pepper Roll-Ups - in this tutorial video we share one of our 300 FREE recipes from our website.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

What You Will Find At JOAN DIET BARS.Com

What You Will Find At JOAN DIET is our blog site that offers you many services to help you in your weight loss struggles with articles, menus and services.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Are You Or Someone You Know Turning 65- Watch This Video

Are You Or Someone You Know Turning 65- Watch This Video
If you or someone you know must watch this important video tutorial on Medicare and how it affects your health insurance.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How To Reduce Your Medical Expenses

How To Reduce Your Medical Expenses
In this tutorial video we share tips to help you with all your medical and drug expenses to help reduce your costs.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Is Being Overweight An Illness?

Is Being Overweight An Illness?
The effect of obesity on health is causing growing distresses around the world. The cost of treating and dealing with obesity is costing in the billions.

People in the forefront of this epidemic are asking for authorities to make available more alternatives to include newer approaches to better drugs, diets and weight loss surgeries.

Obesity is the cause of many health issues including but not limited to cancers, heart disease, stroke, sleep apnea, and diabetes. The question the arises “Is Being Over Weight An Illness?

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How To Spice Up Your Weight Loss, Brain & Health

How To Spice Up Your Weight Loss, Brain & Health
A centuries old spice is being hailed as a biological marvel, showing benefits in the management of many diverse health disorders from Alzheimer's disease to cancer.
It may already be in your pantry, the spice is Turmeric.
The dynamic element in turmeric is Curcumin. In this video we share all the latest research on Turmeric.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

We Need Your Help!!

We work hard to create two new and informative education videos per week.
As of this video we have created 592 videos over the last 4 years. Bear in mind that there only the two of us. We have 5,588 subscribers and 1,711,444 views.
It sounds like a lot, but when you consider that ten thousand videos are upload every minute of every day, it is truly a drop in the YouTube bucket.
This is why we are asking for your help.

Friday, September 19, 2014

How To Know If You Are Obese?

How To Know If You Are Obese?
You are considered obese if your waistline is more than 40 inches if you are male and 35 inches if you are female.

A new report says that though the level of overall obesity has remain the same over time, the increase in waistline is showing that there is a distribution of fat going to our waistline.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

How Kefir Milk Shake Can Trigger Weight Loss

How Kefir Milk Shake Can Trigger Weight Loss
Forget about expense commercial Yogurt that you buy in the supermarket and come’s with only a few probiotics.
A Kefir milk shake has over 30 micro-flora due to the fermentation action of it’s bacteria and yeast culture clusters.
Weight Loss: Kefir can improve your digestion by detoxing your body.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How To Lose Weigh By Feeding Your Gut, Not Your Belly Part # 5

Fermented foods include living strains of microorganisms that help in the production of beneficial microorganisms in the human Gut and benefit our immune systems. In this video # 5 we conclude our research into the value of fermented foods and probiotics for our health and weight loss goals.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

How To Lose Weight By Feeding Your Gut, Not Your Belly Part # 4

How To Lose Weight By Feeding Your Gut, Not Your Belly Part # 4
“What you didn’t know about fermented foods was making you and the rest of the world obese! ” Studies have shown that many health problems including obesity have been helped by eating fermented foods with lactic acid bacteria.In this video we will share what we have learned about fermented foods and how they heal.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

How Lose Weight By Feeding Gut, Not Your Belly Part # 3

How Lose Weight By Feeding Gut, Not Your Belly Part # 3
The lack of the right bacteria in our Gut is causing the modern day obesity epidemic.

It appears that the Gut bacteria produce chemical signals that control our appetite, digestion and satiety.

It is being reported that the lack of beneficial gut bacteria is making it hard for our bodies to fight off diseases.

You have heard that that inflammation is now considered one of the major indicators metabolic syndromes.

Monday, September 1, 2014

How To Lose Weight By Feeding Your Gut, Not Your Belly Part # 2

How To Lose Weight By Feeding Your Gut, Not Your Belly Part # 2
Your Gut is NOT your Stomach

You must get into your head that your Gut and your Belly are two completely separate organs.

The Belly first breaks down the food that the Gut digests and turns into the other food types to be digested such as carbohydrates and fats.

We exist for the purpose of providing the microorganisms in our Gut the nutrients it needs.

We live under the mistaken belief that we control our microorganisms but science is now reporting that the opposite is the truth.

How To Lose Weight By Feeding Your Gut, Not Your Belly Part # 2

How To Lose Weight By Feeding Your Gut, Not Your Belly Part # 2
Your Gut is NOT your Stomach

You must get into your head that your Gut and your Belly are two completely separate organs.

The Belly first breaks down the food that the Gut digests and turns into the other food types to be digested such as carbohydrates and fats.

We exist for the purpose of providing the microorganisms in our Gut the nutrients it needs.

We live under the mistaken belief that we control our microorganisms but science is now reporting that the opposite is the truth.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

How To Lose Weight By Feeding Your Gut, Not Your Belly

How To Lose Weight By Feeding Your Gut, Not Your Belly
Bacteria in your Gut may be the cause of your obesity.
New research is reporting a strong link between what is in our Gut and obesity. In these videos we will review the latest information.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

We Take You To New York City

We Take You To New York City - in this video we visit Times Square, Rockeffer Center and Willamsburg, Brooklyn for a steak dinner at the famous Peter Luger Steak house. Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Joan & Bill visited the 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York City and wanted to share this video with those of you who live too far to go see it in person. I was a very moving experience.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

How to Kick Your Depression

There are many measures you can take to help relieve symptoms of depression.In this video we show you which are best.
If you are suffering from depression are obese or involved in the care of a family member suffering depression and obesity you should use these tips to overcome this situation.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Polish Festival St. Joseph's Church , Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

We wanted to share this wonderful community day of the Polish Festival St. Joseph's Church , in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. with all our followers. The music, people and food was great. Hope you enjoy it!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Depression May Be The Cause Of Your Obesity

Depression Can Be The Cause Of Your Obesity

This video is to honor the loss of Robin Williams.
The Depression is a medical condition characterized by feeling sad, feeling of hopelessness; low self-esteem; and Loss of interest in things you normally enjoy. Overweight people are prone to changes in life that can lead them to feel depressed.
Life throws us many curve balls, life changes, loneliness or a medical condition can become quite overwhelming.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Why You Should Be Taking Baby Aspirin

Anyone aged between 50 and 64 should have a baby aspirin a day. Aspirin a day can prevent one third of cancers of the colon, throat and stomach and can half the risk of death in some cases, according to the largest and most comprehensive analysis of Aspirin use. Hundreds of thousands of lives would be saved the researched showed.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Swimming Is The Preferred Exercise For Weight Loss

Why Swimming?

There are numerous explanations why swimming and water-based exercise may be the best choice for weight loss. The water-based exercises are the best because it has the lowest rates of injury. It is commonly used for methods of physical therapy for those who are very obese.

Water also provides more options for those who lack general fitness or have an injury preventing other activities. Water exercise works the entire body, which offers a formula of both strength training even as aerobic training is happening.

Friday, August 1, 2014

What You Need To Know About Coconut Oil It Is Really Special!

What You Need To Know About Coconut Oil
It Is Really Special! In this video tutorial we review why it is so special.
Helps With Weight Loss
Even though it is a fat, coconut oil actually helps with weight loss! The healthy medium chain fatty acids do not circulate in the bloodstream like other fats, they are sent directly to the liver and are converted into energy. Thus the body does not store the fat in coconut oil as fat; it uses it to produce energy instead.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Your BUTT it is making you Fatter And Older!

Your BUTT it is making you Fatter And Older!
Getting off the couch and moving more might extend your life, as well as cutback your possibility of becoming obese, dementia, substantial infirmities and other serious medical complications. For several years, health experts have been declaring the alarm about the hazards of "sitting syndrome," causing obesity that comes from being on your butt too long.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Realizing Causes of Weight Loss JOAN DIET BARS

The good news is that even when you live a busy lifestyle, you have the potential to drop weight. Knowing the causes of weight loss and how you can bring them onto your side helps you come up with a plan to drop weight without bringing chaos or inconvenience into your life.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Bill & Joan Alaska Cruise Part # 1

Join Bill & Joan on their wonderful Alaska Cruise. We left from Seattle, Washington and boarded the Osterdam cruiseship of Holland American. You will get to see what it feels like to cruise and see Alaska. Enjoy the trip.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Bill & Joan's Cruise to Mendenhall Glacier in Alaska

We want to share with all of our followers and friends our Alaska Cruise to Mendenhall Glacier in Alaska. This is the first of our Alaska Cruise series we will be sharing with you watch for the others. It was a wonderful cruise

Saturday, June 28, 2014

12 Healthy & Delicious Snacks Under 100 Calories

n this quick video we share 12 great recipes for Healthy & Delicious Snacks that are under 100 calories. We also share with you how you can get our Joan Bars Recipe for FREE.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bike Trail Etiquette & Weight Loss JOAN DIET BARS

Bike Trail Etiquette & Weight Loss
Bicycle Trail Etiquette tutorial video in this video we share how to get the best weight loss benefits of biking in a safe way.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Dr. Oz Questioned By Congress by JOAN DIET BARS

Dr. Oz Questioned By Congress
Were you curious about the many weight-loss products that Dr. Mehmet Oz promotes on his show? Congress was also! In this video report we share with you what was asked and what he answered

Saturday, June 14, 2014

How Low Vitamin D Levels May Cause Obesity & Early Death

In this video tutorial we share new information about how Vitamin D levels may cause obesity and early death.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

How To Avoid Getting FAT!! on JOAN DIET BARS

How To Avoid Getting FAT!!
In this video tutorial we share what you can do today to avoid getting FAT using simple time proven methods

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Is Sleep Apnea Making You FAT? JOAN DIET BARS

Is Sleep Apnea Making You FAT? In this video tutorial we cover the how sleep Apnea maybe be the cause of your obesity .

Is Sleep Apnea Making You FAT? JOAN DIET BARS

Is Sleep Apnea Making You FAT? In this video tutorial we cover the how sleep Apnea maybe be the cause of your obesity .

Sunday, May 25, 2014

How To Use Weight Loss Smoothies on JOAN DIET BARS

How To Use Weight Loss Smoothies - in this video tutorial we share the why and how to lose weight while enjoying smoothies

Monday, May 19, 2014

More Weight Loss Smoothies Recipes on JOAN DIET BARS

More Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes - in this video we offer you the some more low calorie smoothies that are great tasting and will help you in your weight loss struggles. Simply pause the video to write the recipes.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

How Avoid Being The Fat Person In The Mirror on JOAN DIET BARS

None of us wants to be the FAT person in the mirror, in this video tutorial we share the 8 things you can do to avoid it being you!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

How To Protect Your Email Account on JOAN DIET BARS

How To Protect Your Email Account
In this video tutorial we share with you how to protect your email account and secrets you need to know on how to do that.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

How To Use Cinnamon For Weight Loss & Health JOAN DIET BARS

How To Use Cinnamon For Weight Loss & Health

More individuals are finding the astonishing results that cinnamon can give in weight reduction. Cinnamon is a spice that has been used for nourishment and treating body afflictions. Cinnamon influences your glucose levels and impacts the way your body stores fat.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

7 Foods For Weight Loss & Health on JOAN DIET BARS

Here is a short tutorial on 7 Foods for Weight loss & Health that you should eat daily.
We cover the benefits of Oatmeal, Yogurt, Broccoli, Protein , Whole Grains, Nut Butters, and Fresh Fruits for losing weight and health.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

To Lose Weight, You Must Build Muscle on JOAN DIET BARS

To lose weight, start with building muscle.
Metabolic muscle strengthening exercises, a high-intensity, full-body interval training, can add sharpness to the bodies of cyclists, runners and other cardio fans prepared to put some muscle into it.
If you're looking to lose weight, start with building muscle.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

7 Easy Way To Increase FAT Burning on JOAN DIET BARS

7 Easy Way To Increase FAT Burning-Here are 7 absolutely easy ways to maximize your fat burning routine and help you insure success with your weight loss goals.-

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Weight Reduction Smoothies Recipes That Work

Do you want to dispose of that enormous paunch for the last time?
Getting more fit is something that you need to fight for whatever is left of your life.
This is the reason you need to research weight reduction smoothie formulas that really work.

Friday, April 4, 2014

7 Weight Loss Tips For Families With Overweight Kids

7 Weight Loss Tips For Families With Overweight Kids
Hеrе iÑ• a sure-fire list оf diet do’s аnd don'ts tо hеlÑ€ уоur family triumph оvеr obesity:

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Exciting New AlterG Treadmill To Help Obese Lose Weight

Exciting New AlterG Treadmill To Help Obese Lose Weight
Report on an exciting new treadmill to tread obesity.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Report On The Mediterranean Diet

In this video tutorial we review the Mediterranean Diet and how it can help you in your weight loss struggles.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring Is Finally Here! Rejoice And Be Glad!! JOAN DIET BARS

Spring Is Finally Here! Rejoice And Be Glad!! Saturday Morning Diet. It's time to start getting the bike ready and some new walking shoes. More importantly get back on the diet.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Friday, March 14, 2014

What is the Saturday Morning Diet for Weight Loss (+playlist)

How did the Saturday Morning Diet come to be? In this video tutorial we tell our story. Please share.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Our Realistic Weight Loss Guide on JOAN DIET BARS

We have posted Our Realistic Weight Loss Guide. In this video tutorial we share many topics that will help you win the battle of weight loss in a healthy way once and for all.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

WANTED! People Who Need Honest Weight Loss Advice & InformationJOAN DIET...

Wanted! We Are Looking For People Who Need Honest Weight Loss Advice & Information. YouTube Channel of The Saturday Morning Diet.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Add Your Words/SubTitles To Our Video-The Stomach Speaks Why We Get Hungry

Add Your Words/SubTitles To Our Video-The Stomach Speaks Why We Get Hungry
He uploaded our video "The Stomach Speaks Why We Get Hungry" so that you can add your own words/SubTitles to the video. Have fun with it , we did making it for you.
Upload as many video to the channel you want. You can even add the voice over of you native language. We expect to have some really smart people create stuff that we even could not imagine. Let the fun begin!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Part # 4 You Will Hit Plateaus, Here's How To Break Through! JOAN DIET B...

In this video Part # 4 of 4- we share with you some additional tricks to use to over come your weight loss plateaus.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Stomach Speaks On JOAN DIET BARS

We have uploaded a very funny weight loss tutorial we call "The Stomach Speaks" which reviews all the forms of hunger and what makes us eat so much.

The Stomach Speaks On JOAN DIET BARS

We have uploaded a very funny weight loss tutorial we call "The Stomach Speaks" which reviews all the forms of hunger and what makes us eat so much.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Part # 2 You Will Hit Plateaus, Here's How To Break Through! on JOAN DI...

You Will Hit Plateaus, Here's How To Break Through! Part # 2 on Saturday Morning Diet
In this video tutorial we share why losing weight can be an aggravating activity. You may hit a plateau if you are on any weight loss plan. Fortunately, when this happens, it may just be that you need to change your program a bit. Here are several weight loss suggestions that can put you back on track again. This is part # 2. 

Friday, February 28, 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014

MP3 OF Why You Should Celebrate Your Weight Loss Milestones Part # 2 ...

MP3 of Part 2 of 3 where we share with you the value of celebrating your weight loss milestones and how to have healthy weight loss success. Play on your mobile devices.

Why You Should Celebrate Your Weight Loss Milestones Part # 3 JOANBARS (...

In this video tutorial we share our final tips on how you can reach and celebrate your weight loss milestones with the least amount of effort.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Why You Should Celebrate Your Weight Loss Milestones Part # 2 on JOANBARS

                                             Why You Should Celebrate Your Weight Loss Milestones Part # 2 on
In this video tutorial we share more tips on how you can reach and celebrate your weight loss milestones with the least amount of effort.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Our SMD Easy Weight Loss Successful Tips Part # 3 of 3 JOANBARS

Our SMD Easy Successful Weight Lost Tips # 3 on Saturday Morning Diet      

In this tutorial video # 3 or 3 shared with you additional methods that you can use to easily loss the weight fairly quickly without too much pain. Please share!!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Our SMD Easy Weight Loss Tips Part # 1 on JOANBARS

We have uploaded our latest video tutorial "Our SMD Easy Weight Loss Tips Part # 1", please share.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

FREE MP3 Weight Loss eCourse Part # 1 on JOANBARS (+playlist)

   We have posted our  FREE MP3 Weight Loss eCourse Parts 1-10
In these MP3’s that you can use on your mobile devises we share the basic of how you can win the battle of weight loss. For further information go to our site for our complete courses.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

How Stay On Your Diet During The Superbowl on JoanBars


How Stay On Your Diet During The Superbowl on Saturday Morning Diet
In this video tutorial we share healthy snacks to have and offer during your Superbowl party and not fall too far off your diet wagon.

Weight Loss Video Tutorial 10 of 10 JOANBARS


We have posted the last part of our FREE Weight Loss Video Course 10 of
10. Please share with everyone on your email contact list.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Weight Loss Video Tutorial Part 9 of 10 JOANBARS (+playlist)


We have posted Part 9 of 10 Weight Loss Video Tutorial. Please share with everyone on your email contact list.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Weight Loss Video Tutorial Part 8 of 10 JOANBARS

           We have posted Part 7 of 10 FREE Weight Loss Video Course. Please share with everyone on your email list.

Weight Loss Video Tutorial Part 7 of 10 | JOANBARS

We have posted Part 7 of 10 FREE Weight Loss Video Course. Please share with everyone on your email list.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

|Weight Loss Video Tutorial Part 6 of 10 JOANBARS (+playlist)

We have upload Part 6 of 10 of our Weight Loss Video Tutorials. Please share with everyone on your email list.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Weight Loss Video Tutorial Part 5 of 10 JOANBARS

We have posted FREE Weight Video Tutorial Part 5 of 10, please share with everyone on your email contact list that may benefit form this valuable information.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Weight Loss Video Tutorial Par 3 of 10 JOANBARS

We have posted Part 3 of 10 Weight Loss Video Tutorials. Please share with everyone on your email contact list.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Weight Loss Video Tutorial Part 1 of 10-Joan Bars

Weight Loss Video Tutorial Par 1 of 10-Saturday Morning Diet

In this Part 1 of 10 Video Tutorials we cover how many calories equal a pound, the benefits of Vitamin D, why add variety to your diet and which food groups to include in your diet.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Go Coconuts For Weight Loss

Go Coconuts For Weight Loss-in this video tutorial we share current research on the benefit that Coconut Oil offers you in your weight loss and health struggles. Go for the complete articles.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Quick Weight Loss Reduction Strategies at Joan Bars

Quick Weight Loss Reduction Strategies
Regardless of whether if,   you are approaching your  senior high school reunion
or perhaps a wedding ceremony, many people have the requirement to get rid of some weight rapidly
Rapid loss of weight isn't an alternative solution to a wholesome way of life
nevertheless it can bring results to  a person in a pinch.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Why Take Before & After Photos Your Weight Loss Pictures For Motivation

Why Take Before & After Photos Your Weight Loss Pictures For Motivation Losing weight can seem virtually impossible. By posting weight loss pictures and monitoring your progress on a public/private forum, you will be able to get the accountability that you need in order to thrive

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

FTC Charges-Quackery For Profits Of Deceptive Weight Loss Products

We have been writing and making videos warning our followers about all the deceptive claims about miracle weight loss products, the FTC has proved us right!! FTC Charges- Quackery For Profits Of Deceptive Weight Loss Products

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Do You Know About 'Ted Talks? Joan Diet Bars

Do You Know About ‘Ted Talks?
TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out in 1984 as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader
TED conferences bring together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes or less).

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year, A New Year, A New You! on the Saturday Morning Diet (+p...

Happy New Year, A New Year , A New You!
Thank you for all your support in 2013! We hope to help you reach your goals in 2014!
We are here for you!  "Have faith in your future!!"
Much love Joan & Bill Loganeski