Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Power Of Mindfulness For Weight Loss

We are offering this powerful program for only $19.95 to the first 100 subscribers by sending us an email to
How to Use Mindfulness to be Happier And Loss Weight
Mindfulness can mean a great many things depending on who you ask. Essentially this is a tool and like any tool, it can be used in numerous different ways.
Specifically, mindfulness can be used to change what we focus on and to change the way we think. Too often we don’t pay attention to what’s going on inside our mind and that makes us victims of our emotions. We can be in a beautiful place doing fun things with friends, only to find ourselves thinking about work and getting stressed – not actually enjoying the situation we’re in.
Likewise, we can have everything we could possibly want in life and not be happier. And it all comes down to what we choose to focus on.
This is why you can use mindfulness, among other things, as a brilliant tool for making yourself happier and more at ease with your life.
Sometimes this is referred to as a ‘gratitude attitude’. All that effectively means, is that you’re putting yourself in a state of mind where you’re focussing on the things you’re grateful for and you’re happy for. And one very easy way to do that is simply to take a time out at the end of each day to write down those things and to think about them.
Try and end every day by writing three things that you’re thankful for and reflecting on them. Where possible, try to make these different things each day and avoid repetition.
Sometimes these will be obvious things: like your health, like the people you love and like the fact that you have access to food. Focussing on the people you love in particular is a great way to be more grateful to people and this can end up actually improving your relationship with them.
But at the same time, you’re also going to think about those smaller silly things. Maybe you’re grateful for the delicious cereal you’ll have tomorrow? Maybe you’re grateful for the fact that there’s a new film coming out that you’re very excited about? These are all legitimate things!
Now try to carry this over into your daily life. Each time you think of something you don’t have, or that isn’t the way you want it, try to think as well about the things you’re grateful for and what you do have. Don’t have that big flat screen TV? Well just be grateful you have a computer that can watch pretty much any film you can dream of on demand.
Likewise, you should try and think about language and the way you talk – which can have a big impact on your gratitude as well as on the way that other people think about you. For example, trying to stop complaining is something that is very worthwhile. The next time you find yourself saying anything negative, try and follow it up with a positive point that counteracts it. You’ll feel happier and people will think of you as a more positive person they want to be around!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

How To Avoid 3 Types Of Strokes

What You Can Do To Lessen Chances Of Having A Stroke
Stroke is a condition that falls under the umbrella of heart disease. Most people don’t realize that there are three kinds of stroke and that there are things you can do to reduce your risk of all kinds of stroke.
The three major kinds of stroke include the following:
• Hemorrhagic stroke - Rather than an area of the brain being without blood and oxygen, a blood vessel in the brain opens up, causing bleeding to occur within the brain. This can be due to areas of weakness in the blood vessels or to aneurysms in the brain that open up and bleed.
• Thrombotic stroke - This is the type of stroke in which plaques build up on the arterial walls of the arteries leading to the brain. The plaques narrow the blood vessels and clots can form in the narrowed areas, causing a reduction in oxygen and blood flow to the brain stops.
• Embolic stroke - This is the type of stroke in which there is a blood clot somewhere in the body (usually on a heart valve) that breaks off and travels through the bloodstream so that it cuts off the circulation to an area of the brain, resulting in a stroke.
Stroke Data In The United States
• Stroke is the leading reason for serious disability overall, and those who survive are often left with paralysis and speech impairment causing long term disability, often requiring long term care
• After the age of 55 years old, the risk for stroke doubles every decade
• Almost ¾ of all strokes occur in people age older than 65
• Stroke is the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States
• There are 795,000 strokes every year
• Someone suffers a stroke every 40 seconds of each and every day in the US

(Data source: Internet Stroke Center)
Prevention Of Stroke
There are distinctive ways to avoid a stroke depending on the type of stroke you are trying to prevent. There are some things you can do that avert a certain type of stroke but that has the potential to deteriorate another type of stroke.
The following are some things you can do to avoid a stroke:
• Take a baby aspirin - Baby aspirin is a commonly used medication used to prevent the recurrence of heart attack in a patient who has already had a heart attack. Aspirin is a platelet inhibitor, which means that it blocks platelets from sticking together and forming a blood clot. This same phenomenon can work in the prevention of both thrombotic strokes and embolic strokes. If the platelets cannot form a blood clot, it will prevent a blood clot from forming on a heart valve so that it can’t travel to an area of the brain, leading to an embolic stroke. In the same way, when platelets are blocked from forming a clot inside a narrowed area of the blood vessels leading to the brain, this thwarts the onset of a thrombotic stroke.

• Maintain a normal blood pressure - This holds true for all kinds of stroke. If your blood pressure is too high, it contributes to arterial spasm and increases the risk of thrombotic stroke. If the blood pressure is too high, it can push the blood clot in the heart from the heart valve into the circulatory system of the brain, resulting in an embolic stroke. In a completely different way, high blood pressure can cause hemorrhagic strokes. If there is a weakness in the walls of any part of the brain’s circulatory system, high blood pressure can cause that weak area to open up, resulting in the kind of bleeding you see in a hemorrhagic stroke.
• Stop smoking - Smoking has the potential to raise your blood pressure, increasing the risk of all kinds of strokes. Smoking also adds to plaque formation in the walls of the blood vessels so that the risk of thrombotic stroke rises. The longer you smoke, the greater is the risk of developing all kinds of heart disease, including that of thrombotic stroke.
• Maintain normal cholesterol - Cholesterol provides the plaques causing a thrombotic stroke. If you maintain a good level of cholesterol, the plaques don’t build up so much and the chance that a blood clot can form in the arteries is much less. You can keep a good cholesterol level by eating food that is low in cholesterol or by taking medications designed to lower the cholesterol level.

Living a healthy lifestyle so that the blood pressure is reduced, smoking is not a problem, and cholesterol is kept within normal levels will go a long way toward reducing the incidence of all types of strokes.
If you are concerned about stroke, or any type of heart disease it is a great idea to see your doctor and get a full physical and relevant screenings to be sure that there is not more that you can do to ensure you remain in optimal health.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

12 FAQ About Low-Carb/ Ketogenic Diet

12 FAQ About Low-Carb/ Ketogenic Diet
Low carb diets have enjoyed a great deal of popularity because they work! They are highly effective for weight loss and have other important health benefits. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about low carb eating.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

It's Sugar, Not FAT, That Makes You FAT!!

Rates of Obesity Increase
• Since the 1980’s the obesity epidemic has increased while we were told to avoid fats in our diet.
• It is now being shown that it is sugar, not fats, that has been the cause of our obesity.
Avoiding fats has caused us to have increased rates of diabetes, obesity, and diet-related diseases.

It’s Sugar, Not Fat!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

6 Common Low Carb Diet Mistakes

Our Special Sales of our Ketogenic Diet plan is now available at
6 Common Low Carb Diet Mistakes

So you’ve decided to start a low carb diet?


And congratulations!

Along with having to be strong and fight those uncontrollable urges to eat carbs, you should take care to avoid common low-carb diet mistakes that people often make.

Avoiding good fats is a common mistake, but fat is necessary to help your body burn fat, and on a low carb diet, it is your main source of energy.

Stick with good fats like avocadoes, which are low in carbs, olive oil, real butter, and almonds in moderation.

Consuming too many carbs is another common mistake, and while the carb count will vary depending on the diet of choice, it is important to get most of your carbs from green vegetables that will give you key nutrients and energy with much less impact carbs.

Consuming too much high fat protein is another misstep, and it is best to get at least 4 to 6 ounces of protein with each meal from lower fat sources.

While meat products have no carbs, many overindulge in bacon and other high fat proteins that can cause problems like high cholesterol and clogging of heart arteries.

Eat more chicken, fish and turkey.

Avoid consuming too much caffeine and artificial sweeteners, as both are insulin triggers in high amounts.

Remember that the hallmark of a low carb diet is avoiding insulin trigger foods that cause spikes in blood sugar levels.

Not keeping proper track of your progress is a mistake as well, and hopping on the scale three times a day doesn't count!

Keep track of the carb counts in the food you are consuming and the exercise you are performing on a daily basis.

Lastly, no matter how well you eat, you still need exercise. Did you know that the more you workout, the more carbs you can eat and still lose weight? It’s a fact!

Additionally, exercise is essential for bone, joint, heart and muscle health. It boosts metabolism, improves mood, gives you energy, and lowers stress.

It promotes sound sleep, brain health and greatly improves the aging process.

When on any diet, it is important to avoid any and all pitfalls if you really want to see results and reach your weight loss goals.

It may be challenging, but thinking about the possible end result can be a good motivator and will keep you focused.

6 Common Low Carb Diet Mistakes

6 Common Low Carb Diet Mistakes

So you’ve decided to start a low carb diet?


And congratulations!

Along with having to be strong and fight those uncontrollable urges to eat carbs, you should take care to avoid common low-carb diet mistakes that people often make.

Avoiding good fats is a common mistake, but fat is necessary to help your body burn fat, and on a low carb diet, it is your main source of energy.

Stick with good fats like avocadoes, which are low in carbs, olive oil, real butter, and almonds in moderation.

Consuming too many carbs is another common mistake, and while the carb count will vary depending on the diet of choice, it is important to get most of your carbs from green vegetables that will give you key nutrients and energy with much less impact carbs.

Consuming too much high fat protein is another misstep, and it is best to get at least 4 to 6 ounces of protein with each meal from lower fat sources.

While meat products have no carbs, many overindulge in bacon and other high fat proteins that can cause problems like high cholesterol and clogging of heart arteries.

Eat more chicken, fish and turkey.

Avoid consuming too much caffeine and artificial sweeteners, as both are insulin triggers in high amounts.

Remember that the hallmark of a low carb diet is avoiding insulin trigger foods that cause spikes in blood sugar levels.

Not keeping proper track of your progress is a mistake as well, and hopping on the scale three times a day doesn't count!

Keep track of the carb counts in the food you are consuming and the exercise you are performing on a daily basis.

Lastly, no matter how well you eat, you still need exercise. Did you know that the more you workout, the more carbs you can eat and still lose weight? It’s a fact!

Additionally, exercise is essential for bone, joint, heart and muscle health. It boosts metabolism, improves mood, gives you energy, and lowers stress.

It promotes sound sleep, brain health and greatly improves the aging process.

When on any diet, it is important to avoid any and all pitfalls if you really want to see results and reach your weight loss goals.

It may be challenging, but thinking about the possible end result can be a good motivator and will keep you focused.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

What You Get In The Ketogenic/Low Carb Sale Package

What You Get In The Ketogenic/Low Carb Sale Package
Many of you have asked for more information about our Ketogenic/Low Carb Sale Package- in this video we display all the valualble information is included for only $19.95

Monday, September 5, 2016

Lose Weight Without Starving- The Low Carb Way

Lose Weight Without Starving- The Low Carb Way
When people start thinking about losing weight, they assume they will have to go without the foods they love and feel hungry most of the time. Fad diets tend to leave people feeling lethargic and with no energy. What's worse, once they stop the diet, they find that they start piling on the pounds again.
Of course, your diet plays an important role in your weight. Most doctors will agree that to lose weight in a healthy and balanced way it's important to make proper lifestyle choices.
Unfortunately, the availability of junk and processed food makes it more and more difficult to make proper lifestyle choices and stay healthy.
Did you know that one of the best ways to eat well and lose weight is to reduce your overall carb intake and increase protein intake?
In fact, a low carb/high protein diet has more benefits than just helping you lose weight. It can help you reduce cholesterol, reduce blood sugar levels, and prevent disease.
The Ketogenic diet has helped millions of people to eat healthily and lose weight at the same time.
You can find out how the Ketogenic diet can benefit your health in the book The Ketogenic Diet – Learn How a Low Carb Lifestyle Can Benefit You.
The Ketogenic diet is not just a fad diet, but a lifestyle that sustains weight loss and good health.
Get your detailed plan today! eMail us at

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Special Labor Day Month -Ketogenic Diet -Sale Only $19.95

Order your copy at
Automatically Reduce Hunger, Burn Fat,
Make Your Heart Healthier,
and Naturally Control Food Cravings......
While Your Body Does All Of The Work!
What fuel are you running on?

Order at
Likely, your answer is carbs, like starches, fruit, and other sugars.
When you walk, or talk, or simply move through your daily routine, you are burning energy, and typically most people get their energy from Dietary Carbohydrates
Much of the time, especially with the modern-day heavy-carb diet, your energy comes from carbohydrates. These are sugars and starches, which are broken down into glucose, which is then used by the body for energy.
Unfortunately, excess glucose that is not fully used as energy converts to glycogen which is then stored as fat.
"Carb overload" is believed by many experts to be the #1 cause for overweight and obesity today.
As you probably know, people living in modern countries are fatter than ever before, in the US, 1/3 of all people are obese. This can lead to the following debilitating, and in some cases deadly, conditions, and diseases:
Heart attack and stroke
Various cancers
Diabetes and high blood sugar
Mental conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
High blood pressure
Inflammation throughout the body
A lower quality of life
Self-esteem issues
A reduced sex drive and performance
An increased risk of premature death
Other chronic health conditions
The only exception to the body not needing glucose from dietary carbs for fuel is ketones
Ketones do not usually enter the body fuel equation until you start eating carb smart and enter a state of ketosis, where your body begins to burn stored body fat for energy

Special Labor Day Month -Ketogenic Diet -Sale Only $19.95

Order your copy at
Automatically Reduce Hunger, Burn Fat,
Make Your Heart Healthier,
and Naturally Control Food Cravings......
While Your Body Does All Of The Work!
What fuel are you running on?

Order at
Likely, your answer is carbs, like starches, fruit, and other sugars.
When you walk, or talk, or simply move through your daily routine, you are burning energy, and typically most people get their energy from Dietary Carbohydrates
Much of the time, especially with the modern-day heavy-carb diet, your energy comes from carbohydrates. These are sugars and starches, which are broken down into glucose, which is then used by the body for energy.
Unfortunately, excess glucose that is not fully used as energy converts to glycogen which is then stored as fat.
"Carb overload" is believed by many experts to be the #1 cause for overweight and obesity today.
As you probably know, people living in modern countries are fatter than ever before, in the US, 1/3 of all people are obese. This can lead to the following debilitating, and in some cases deadly, conditions, and diseases:
Heart attack and stroke
Various cancers
Diabetes and high blood sugar
Mental conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
High blood pressure
Inflammation throughout the body
A lower quality of life
Self-esteem issues
A reduced sex drive and performance
An increased risk of premature death
Other chronic health conditions
The only exception to the body not needing glucose from dietary carbs for fuel is ketones
Ketones do not usually enter the body fuel equation until you start eating carb smart and enter a state of ketosis, where your body begins to burn stored body fat for energy

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Labor Day Month Ketogenic Diet Sale Only $19.95 During September

Automatically Reduce Hunger, Burn Fat,
Make Your Heart Healthier,
and Naturally Control Food Cravings......

While Your Body Does All Of The Work!

What fuel are you running on?
Watch VIDEO at the bottom!!

Likely, your answer is carbs, like starches, fruit, and other sugars.
When you walk, or talk, or simply move through your daily routine, you are burning energy, and typically most people get their energy from Dietary Carbohydrates

Much of the time, especially with the modern-day heavy-carb diet, your energy comes from carbohydrates. These are sugars and starches, which are broken down into glucose, which is then used by the body for energy.

Unfortunately, excess glucose that is not fully used as energy converts to glycogen which is then stored as fat.

"Carb overload" is believed by many experts to be the #1 cause for overweight and obesity today.

As you probably know, people living in modern countries are fatter than ever before, in the US, 1/3 of all people are obese. This can lead to the following debilitating, and in some cases deadly, conditions, and diseases:

Heart attack and stroke

Various cancers

Diabetes and high blood sugar

Mental conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

High blood pressure

Inflammation throughout the body

A lower quality of life

Self-esteem issues

A reduced sex drive and performance

An increased risk of premature death

Other chronic health conditions


The only exception to the body not needing glucose from dietary carbs for fuel is ketones

Ketones do not usually enter the body fuel equation until you start eating carb smart and enter a state of ketosis, where your body begins to burn stored body fat for energy

Findings published on the National Institutes Of Health website report that...

Reducing carb intake triggers a harmless physiological state known as ketosis that provides an alternative source of fuel. There are no clear requirements for dietary carbohydrates in human adults, and the effects of ketosis may offer therapeutic benefits for various different disease states, those common and also those that are rare. The report further comments on a landmark study that a very low carb diet results in a significant reduction of body fat and a naturally accompanying increase in lean body mass in male subjects of normal body weight.

A study conducted at Duke University Medical Center followed 120 obese subjects for 6 months...

Half of the subjects followed a very low carb plan, while the other half followed the American Heart Association’s low-fat diet; the average loss for the low carb group was 31 pounds, while the low fat group had only an average loss of 20 pounds.


Easy! You limit the number of and sources of the carbohydrates you eat. As soon as this happens, your body looks to other fuel to replace carbs as the primary energy source.

This triggers ketosis, and your fat burning switch is flipped on.

The best part of this process ... all YOU have to do is LIMIT CARB INTAKE

Your body does the work for you. It knows what to do.

Just eat the right carbs in the right amounts and your body will begin to burn your stored fat...

It's as simple as that

Remove carbohydrates as your primary energy source, eat moderate amounts of protein and increase intake of healthy fats and your body is forced to burn stored body fat for fuel


Lose body fat and lose that weight
Step lighter, increase energy and get the body of your dreams!

Eliminate out of control cravings
Low carb eliminates blood sugar spikes and those horrid cravings for junk and sugar!

Eliminate out of control hunger
When you eat low carb it naturally suppresses the appetite!


Promote healthy cholesterol levels
Stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels
Promote healthy blood pressure
Improve mental functioning
Promote heart health
Look great and feel great about yourself as a result of weight loss




It's Really All You Need To Get Started Today!

Your body wants to be healthy. It really does. When you do the right things, you get the results you are looking for.

One of the greatest things about a low-carb lifestyle is that studies show it especially reduces belly fat or visceral fat, the most dangerous type of body fat!


There have been more than 20 randomized controlled trials published since 2002 in respected, peer-reviewed journals that show low carb diets to be effective for weight loss, stabilizing blood sugars and for general health and to be completely safe without a single adverse effect, this cannot be said about many other diet plans.


Several studies have shown low carb eating to result in more weight lost than with low fat diets.

One of the longest studies but not the only one, published in the journal, Annals of Internal Medicine found that low carb had a significant edge over low fat diets in improving good HDL cholesterol levels.

A 2008 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported...

The Ketogenic low carb diet resulted in 12 pounds of weight loss in only 4 weeks in obese men and all the studies’ subjects noted less hunger and more satisfaction on the low carb plan than while eating a low calorie diet.


Eat Real Whole Food, Never Count Calories And Never Feel Deprived Or Starved Again!

Our Special Ketogenic Diet Report Will Answer All Your Pertinent Questions…

Will this approach work for anyone?

How many carbs should I eat every day?

What are the best sources of carbs?

What carbs to avoid

How to determine the impact carbs of any food

What are healthy fats and which ones you need to eat to support ketosis

What are healthy proteins and which ones you need to eat to support ketosis

Answers to common low carb frequently asked questions

A complete low carb food shopping list

How to induce ketosis, the fat burning process

Get Answers To All These Questions And Much More With Your Personal Copy Of Our Special Report…

The Ketogenic Diet
Learn How a Low-Carb Lifestyle Can Benefit You

Your Complete Step By Step Manual To The Low Carb Lifestyle


Send an email to to order your copy NOW!


The different types of Ketogenic diets
The different types of carbohydrates (this is very important)
High carb foods to avoid
Which delicious, nutritious low carb foods and beverages you need to eat to burn body fat
The exact amounts you need of good fats, protein and carbs
How to figure "net carbs”
The delicious "good fats" that help you burn fat
Exactly how to induce and maintain ketosis, the miracle fat burning metabolic state
How reducing your carb intake regulates your appetite
How to trim carbs and still enjoy eating out
The simple ketogenic diet "rules" that make you slim, trim, full of energy and healthy once again (this section alone is worth many times the price of this report, especially if you are overweight, obese or prediabetic)
And much much more…

Cancer and heart disease are not inevitable. Neurological disorders, high blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and other chronic health conditions related to overweight and obesity are not unavoidable.


You simply need to know how to "flip on" your ketogenic fat burning switch. Your body will do the rest.

All you have to do is follow the Ketogenic diet and watch the pounds melt away and your health improve!


Put all those frustrating years of unsuccessful dieting behind you





Thanks for being a loyal email subscriber. We appreciate hearing from you. Let us know if you ever have any questions.

Labor Day Month Ketogenic Diet Sale Only $19.95 During September

Get your copy for only
$19.95 during
Labor Day
Month of September
write us at and request that we send you the order form: price going up next month!