Monday, January 30, 2017

How To Cut Rx Drug Costs

How to Cut Rx Drug Costs
Are you struggling with the soaring cost of prescription drugs? CBS MoneyWatch recently reported that drug prices are predicted to soar nearly 50% over the next few years.
I want to help you find ways to contain these costs so that they don’t interfere with your long-term medical drug costs.
I’m also including three tips on how to cut your prescription drug costs. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or new developments with your health care costs.
3 Ways to Cut Your Prescription Drug Costs
1. Look to generic alternatives.
Even if the medication that you are taking doesn’t have a generic, you might be able to switch to a therapeutic alternative that does have a lower cost generic available. Explore the alternatives with your physician. Your pharmacist may also be able to recommend an alternative medication that could save you money and the pharmacist may even be able to facilitate the change on your behalf by contacting your physician for you. If you need more help, call at 845-380-5809. They are Licensed Insurance Agents and are able to answer your questions.
2. Ask your doctor if a medication is still necessary.
Often, people continue to take medications because no one told them to stop. They may have changed doctors a few times, and the medication list just kept growing. It may be time to ask your physician which medications are still necessary. As we get older, some medications that were appropriate in our 50s are no longer safe as we age into Medicare. As always, the cheapest medication is the one you were able to avoid by eating well and exercising regularly.
3. Understand how your Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plan works.
Get creative with you Part D plan search. Did you know that not every medication is cheaper through mail order? Some might be, but some may actually cost more because of shipping costs associated with bulky or heavy packaging. A hybrid approach of getting some medications at your local pharmacy and others by mail order — based on which outlet has the lowest out-of-pocket costs — can really save you some cash. Make sure to look at your best plan options every year during open enrollment, Oct. 15 through Dec. 7.

Insurance & Samples
• Request formulary medications only- Formulary is the list of drugs covered by your insurance.
• Ask your doctor about less expensive therapeutic alternatives.
• Ask your doctor for samples or coupons. (Samples may not have directions on them, be sure to check with doctor about how to take them!
Let pharmacy know to check for interactions.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Eat To Live, Don't Live To Eat To Lose Weight

Eat To Live, Don’t Live To Eat!- It’s Really About Choices!
It’s really all about choices, and it’s all in our hands. Take the time to evaluate your diet and eating habits. Make the necessary changes before it is too late, as prevention is worth a thousand cures.
Make small changes every week, instead of drastic shifts where you will feel the biggest impact. Make a list of all the foods you need to cut down on in your diet, and keep cutting one out each week.
1-Be mindful of your eating habits, and commit to change at least one each week.
2- Ask for help and support from family and friends.
3- Educate yourself on what are healthy foods, and the food groups.
4- Make friends with healthy eaters, they can 
be your best support and role models for 
changing bad habits.
5- Keep a list of all the changes you need to 
make and look it over every day to keep this 
information at the forefront of your mind.
6- Use positive affirmations to install a healthier thought process toward food and eating as thoughts and believes guide our behavior. 
Keep with it and before you know it, new healthy choices and patterns will become habits, just as the old unhealthy ones once were. 

The Role Of Food
Food is intended for the human body as sustenance and nutrition. Truly, that is its only intent. It is meant to provide essential nutrients that work to support internal bodily process and nutrify major organs. It provides us with energy and is essential for the proper physical development of children.
Somewhere along the way, we have seriously
lost touch with this fact. Of course, the endless
rows of goodies at the supermarket, and
unlimited choices of junk food have not helped
us in any way. Healthy eating still eludes many
of us, as America struggles with obesity and
lifestyle choices are the leading cause of premature death from diseases like that of the heart that result from them.

Obesity is at epidemic levels in the US. According to the Centers For Disease Control:
1- 35.1% of adults age 20 or older were obese in 2012 

2- 69% of adults age 20 or older were overweight or obese in 2012, that’s more than 50% of 
the US population! 
Children as young as 5 years old are being diagnosed with obesity, which maybe the biggest tragedy of all. According to the Centers For Disease Control: 

3- Obesity rates have more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. 

4- In 2012, more than 1/3 of children and adolescents were overweight or obese. 
Of course, poor eating habits put you at risk for more than just obesity because when the body does not have proper nutrition, it poses other serious health risks. 

Hypertension & Strokes
• Hypertension- The National Institutes of Health advises that hypertension (high blood pressure) can result from poor nutrition. Hypertension is often diagnosed until it damages the body beyond repair. Too much salt, sugar, and fatty processed food can cause hypertension. 

• Stokes- Experts advise that foods high in salt, cholesterol and fat increase chances for stroke. Strokes occur when plaque builds up in a blood vessel and then breaks free when a clot travels to the brain and creates blockage. Stroke can result in paralysis and death.

• High Cholesterol-Poor nutrition leads to high cholesterol, which is the main cause of heart disease, the #1 killer of Americans. More than 500,000 people die each year in the US from heart disease, typically caused by a high fat diet. Some of the culprit foods are excesses of beef, sweets, ice cream, and processed high fat foods.
• Gout-Gout is condition where uric acid buildup creates crystals in the joints. It is painful and leads to permanent joint damage. Poor nutrition is a contributing factor to gout. Foods high in uric acid include whole milk, cheese, ice cream and some seafood.
• Cancer -Experts, like those at the National Institutes of Health advise that poor nutrition is a high risk factor for breast, colon and bladder cancers, just to name a few. A diet that is high in refined sugar, hydrogenated oils, nitrates in hot dogs and bacon, and fatty foods like French fries put you at risk for cancer. Conversely, it is fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants that help protect cells in the body decrease risk for cancer. A diet rich in antioxidants is key to maintaining proper health and preventing a wide range of diseases.
What You Should Change

• Slow down eating your meal- your hormonal signal to turn off eating takes 20 minutes.
• Don’t eat processed foods- that are high in preservatives, salt and calories.
• Walk only the outside aisles of the supermarket. Shop in the produce section and avoid processed foods, in cans or that need refrigeration.

It’s Easy And Up To You!
Fall in Love with Taking Care of Yourself!
Mind, Body and Spirit

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How To Avoid Getting Old

How To Avoid Getting Old & Fat
Value Of Exercise
People who spend a great deal of time sitting on their rears execrate the ageing of their bodies cells.
People who exercise less than 40 minutes a day have body cells that can be as much as 8 years older than they should be.
New research is showing the value of exercise not only for weight control but also to delay ageing.
Value Of Exercise
Shoelace tips of your DNA called telomeres shorten and cause deterioration of your chromosomes.
Chromosomes are made up of DNA, and telomeres protect the genetic material at either end of the chromosomes, which play a role in cell ageing.
The shortening of the tips of your chromosomes increase your risk of diabetes, major cancers and cardiovascular disease. • Getting Fat & Old need not be your destiny.
No matter your weight or age, it is vitally important that you exercise every day of your life.
The research is showing that it affects your body all the way to your DNA.
Obesity is just one of the problems we deal with in our lives that brings on ageing.
Sitting around is taking years off our life expectancy and increasing our waistlines.
Avoiding Old Age
• You can get older, but don’t have to become fat and elderly!
Start today no matter you weight or age to make an effort to due 30 minutes of some form of exercise everyday.
Make it a habit to do at least 150 minutes of some form of moderate aerobic activity, such as cycling or walking every week.
Do strength exercises 2 more days a week that will exercise the major muscles (back, chest, shoulders, hips, arms, legs and abdomen)
If you are at risk for falls or have poor balance you should work on improving your co-ordination and balance at least two times a week.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

How To Handle Rejection In Life

Rejection and How To Handle It

You Can’t Please Everyone
• In the song “ Garden Party” the singer Ricky Nelson sings:
• I went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends
• A chance to share old memories and play our songs again
• When I got to the garden party, they all knew my name
• No one recognized me, I didn't look the same
• But it's all right now, I learned my lesson well.
• You see, ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself!

What Does This Have To Do With Tango?
• Tango due to it’s “Intimate Embrace” requires that a higher standard of desire is met by both men and women to dance Tango.
• At a Milonga, ladies don’t expect all the men to make offers to dance and the men should not expect that their offers to dance will all be accepted either.
There are a millions and one subconscious reasons that cause desire or lack of it towards someone. Don’t take offense!

Rejection In Tango & Life
• Life is a series on problems that we resolve to go on to the next one.
• First you need to learn how to Tango. Then you have to find the community you fit in with. Then you have to work on improving your skills. Next start going to Tango communities you have never been to and meet new people.
• In life we all suffer rejection in one form or another, and yet we survive.
Gracefully accept the rejections and don’t hold bad feelings toward the rejecter. Accept it and move on with your life and your dancing.

You’re Going To Reject And Be Rejected
• “It Takes Two To Tango” and both must meet that invisible needs of subconscious desire.
• Don’t be afraid of being rejected or you will become a wallflower.
• Women should smile and be open to invitations.
• It could be your dress is the wrong colour, or your too short, fat, skinny, young, old or any number of things going on in the head of the other people that are available to tango. In the end it has nothing to do with you.
Remember, “You can’t please everybody, you can only please yourself”.

It Only Hurts If You Let It!
• You have no control whatsoever on what is going on in the head of the person you are interested in dancing with. Who knows what is in another person’s head.
• You may remind them of their ex or someone who they hate.
• They may mistake you for someone else. May not like the colour you are wearing.
• They may feel that you don’t know the dance as well as they do and don’t want to waste their time dancing with someone they feel is not at their level of expertise. Or the reverse and think they are at not your level.
Rejection only hurts if you let it!!!

A Right To Their Feelings
• Because someone comes to a Milgona does not mean that they are obligated to dance with anyone. That stands for men and women.
• If a person rejects your offer or you are the one doing the rejecting, understand that it is a privilege to enter the “Intimate Embrace” not a right.
• You have a right to your feelings and they to theirs.
• If you danced with someone and you were not comparable in tango skills or vibes don’t be offended if they turn down your next request to dance again.
• Like Ricky said,”ya got to please yourself”.
Remember most people just want to dance and are not looking for the love of their lives.

Increasing Your Odds
• If your local Tango community does not have enough men or women you should make an effort to bring more people into the tango community.
• Visit other Tango communities in your area and help get the word out about your group.
• Follow all the Tango Etiquette rules.
• Beware of your personal hygiene.
• Invite teachers to give a lesson before your next Milonga and they may attract dancers that may had not come to your Milgonas in the past.
Visit our website www.Tango On The to post your next event.

Tango Community

There is a feeling of community and inclusion in the Hudson Valley Tango population. There is always room for new members to come onto the Tango dance floor. Tango dances are taking place all over the Hudson Valley, the world and the Tri-State area.

So what are you waiting for, call Dojo Dance Studio today:
Phone: (845) 475-6006-
Their studio is at 464 Main Street, Beacon, N.Y.

is a un-profit tango organization.

Please share, subscribe and comment on our videos.
Visit our YouTube channel and our website:

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

5 Top Mistakes In Tango Milongas (Dances) Dancing For Weight Loss

The Top 5 Mistakes In Tango Milongas

Mistake # 1 – Tandas
At a milonga, music is played in sets called "tandas." Usually three or four songs are played by the same orchestra followed by the "cortina" (the curtain) which signals the end of the “tanda". If you ask someone to dance and they accept, it is assumed that it will be for the entire “tanda”. You must walk your dance partner back to their table.
Under no circumstances should you correct your partner while on the dance floor.

Mistake # 2 – Cortinas
Cortinas are an interesting little detail at a milonga. A cortina is unique to each DJ. Some will select one cortina for an evening and some will use a different one for each tanda. Some are humorous; some are grating on the ears; some are simply beautiful music. In any case, the cortina is supposed to be a piece of music that people know not to dance to. It's your signal to smile, say thank you and (possibly) change partners

Mistake # 3 – Saying: Thank you
Accepting a Dance or Saying "No, thank you"

Accepting a dance is as simple as saying "yes." You can do this with your eyes—be on the look out for people who ask the Argentine way—or by accepting a direct invitation.
It is also perfectly acceptable to say, "No, thank you." If you accept a dance remember it will probably last for the remainder of the tanda that is playing—three or four songs if you start at the beginning. If either one of you decides that one or two dances are enough, however, either person can simply say "thank you" and begin leaving the dance floor. Once you say "thank you" to someone in a polite manner, the dance with that person is over.

Mistake # 4 – Asking For A Dance
How Someone Asks for a Dance 
In Argentina, men ask women to dance with a look—a certain glance, movement of the head toward the dance floor or smile that says, "Dance with me?" This can take place from far across the room if the right eyes are caught. If a woman wants to accept a dance with a man, she smiles back and (most important) keeps looking at him while he approaches her. The slightest glance away is usually interpreted as meaning "I've changed my mind and don't want to dance." This system is very wonderful and full of pitfalls. What if the asker is looking at the woman behind you? Did you really see a "yes" or a "maybe?"
Because we are caught up in this Argentine art form, the practice of asking people to dance with the eyes is also followed to some extent. In many areas of the world, however, you may ask someone to dance directly or with your best Argentine eyes. As in the dance, practice makes perfect.

Mistake # 5- Talking & Dance Lane
Tango is danced in lanes that keep moving and the more experienced dancers tend to stay toward the outside. Tango is a traveling dance; the line of dance is counter clockwise.
One must maintain common dance flow when dancing at the outer perimeter; if you find yourself interrupting the dance flow, move toward the center to let others pass.
Customarily, talking is inappropriate while dancing tango.
You can talk between songs or when off the dance floor. If you must talk on the floor, keep it to a minimum. It is especially inappropriate to talk on the floor while a live band is performing.

Tango Community:
There is a feeling of community and inclusion in the Hudson Valley Tango population. There is always room for new members to come onto the Tango dance floor. Tango dances are taking place all over the Hudson Valley, the world, and the Tri-State area.

So what are you waiting for, call Dojo Dance Studio today:
Phone: (845) 475-6006-
Their studio is at 464 Main Street, Beacon, N.Y.

• is a un-profit tango organization.

5 Top Mistakes In Tango Milongas
#1 – Tandas
#2 – Cortinas
#3 – Saying: Thank You
# 4- Asking For A Dance
# 5- Talking & Dance Lanes

Saturday, January 7, 2017

The Secret Pleasures Of Argentine Tango

The Secret Pleasures Of Argentine Tango
Social Dance
Tango as a social dance grew from the idea of improvising together by using a rich mix of movements, constantly developing as tango subculture keeps evolving. Tango can be compared to a language used to communicate with another person, each conversation being unique. At every moment the partners decide what they will “converse” about, depending on the music, skills, and desires. Given a very rich movement vocabulary, these “conversations” may vary in an almost infinite number of ways.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Tango Cure For Loneliness In this 20 Hour Program

Tango Cure For Loneliness In this 20 Hour Program
20 Hour Tango On The Hudson
Cure For Loneliness
Loneliness in our modern world is a major health issue for most adults. Social isolation and loneliness are the causes of many physical and mental illnesses.
You must invest in nurturing your social life as much as you do your financial life.
Taking dancing lessons from professionals who specialize in the type of dance that interests you will bring you into a world of new friends and social contacts.
"It Takes Two To Tango"
Argentine Tango is a couple's dance, because "It Takes "Two To Tango".
Argentine tango is danced in an embrace that can vary from very open, in which leader and follower connect at arms length, to very closed, in which the connection is chest-to-chest, or anywhere in between. The touch and feel of another human being may be what is missing in your life.
The First 20 Hours
In his book "The First 20 Hours: How to Learn Anything. . .Fast!" author Josh Kaufman explains the four steps to learning any new skill, fast. Argentine dance instructors David & Maia of The Dojo Dance Studio in the Hudson Valley, N.Y. have incorporated his 4 steps into their 20 Hour Tango dance course, new for 2017.
1- Deconstruct The Skill-they break down what are the most important parts of the dance that will bring your Tango moves to the point you feel competent on the dance floor.
2- Self-Correct- With the aid of their mirror wall and their positive feedback, you will be able to see what is not working and how you can improve your moves.
3- Remove Barriers To Learning- By signing up and paying for the full 20-hour program you are making a commitment to learning this new skill, fast.
4- Practice At Least 20 Hours- Each lesson is a full hour where you will participate and enjoy learning in a group setting with others who are as committed to learning true Argentine Tango as you.
Tango Community- There is a feeling of community and inclusion in the Hudson Valley Tango population. There is always room for new members to come onto the Tango dance floor. Tango dances are taking place all over the world and the Tri-State area.
There is a feeling of community and inclusion in Hudson Valley Tango population. There is always room for new members to come onto the tango dance floor. Tango dances are taking place all over the world and the Tri-state area.
So what are you waiting for call them to today: Phone (845)475-6006
Their studio is at 464 Main Street, Beacon, N.Y.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

What You Need To Do Now To Age Well!, Reverse Ageing Part # 2

What You Need To Do Now To Age Well!, Reverse Ageing Part # 2
Top Things You Can Do When You’re Younger to Feel Better When You’re Older
If you’re very young right now, then you may think that anti-aging articles and tips don’t apply to you. Those are for older people right?
In reality, those articles apply to you more than anyone else! After all, it’s too late to prevent aging once you are already feeling and looking a lot older!