Saturday, October 29, 2016

How To Form Lasting Habits For Weight Loss

How To Form Lasting Weight Loss Habits
Forming A Habit Is Hard!
You’re sill forming a habit and it’s still hard, but don’t worry.
It will be hard tomorrow and the next day, too!
One day you’ll wake up and it won’t be hard any more!
It will just be who you have become!
What Is A Habit?
• Most of the choices we make each day may feel like the products of well-considered decision making but they’re not!
They’re HABITS.
And though each habit means relatively little on its own, over time, the meals we order, whether we save or spend, how often we exercise, and the way we organise our thoughts and work out routines have enormous impacts on our health, productivity, financial security and happiness.
How To Form a Good Habit

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Why Excercise Increases Weight Loss

Why Exercise Increase Weight Loss
The Role Of Exercise In A Ketogenic Diet
Without a doubt, exercise is extremely important, whether you are following a low-carb, ketogenic lifestyle or not. However, exercise is able to act more efficiently when following a ketogenic diet.
Let’s face it- the primary reason you are exercising is to look good, period. Sure, health benefits are a nice secondary benefit, but if we are brutally honest, it’s because looks matter to almost all people.
Mere diet can never help you achieve the body you want, even though diet is essential in supplying the building blocks, and setting the stage for your desired outcome.
Interested to know exactly how exercise can help you while on the ketogenic diet? Read on and find out!
Exercise Improves Insulin Sensitivity
In many people, insulin sensitivity decreases with age, along with level of physical activity. Sedentary persons are much more likely to have elevated levels of blood glucose, record a higher level of insulin secretion over the course of the day, retain excess body fat and may likely pave the way to pre-diabetes.
Exercise, especially weight bearing, anaerobic activity has been shown to improve the efficiency of insulin in response to blood glucose, or amino acid levels, and promotes absorption of nutrients.
When following the ketogenic diet, blood glucose levels are lowered, along with muscle glycogen stores, making the body more efficient at handling small bursts of glucose either ingested or produced via Krebs cycle.
Fat Burning Is Amplified
One of the most sought after benefits of low carb diets, but more specifically the ketogenic diet, is its marked effect on fat metabolism. In the absence of carbohydrates, insulin’s activity is markedly decreased, paving the way for significantly increased levels of lipolysis.
Under the influence of insulin, fat burning is stalled, in addition to storage of more fat being promoted. This is a terrible scenario if you are trying to lose weight, since at this time if you exercise your body will be utilizing strictly carbohydrates for energy.
Not following a strict ketogenic diet?
That’s fine. In fact, there are many variations of the ketogenic diet that are not as strict, but which still reap many of the benefits associated with it. For example, exercising first thing in the morning on an empty stomach places the body in a position to be able to burn fat for energy, as glucose levels are depleted following 8 hours of fasting. This is the preferred time many athletes perform cardiovascular exercise, as it amplifies fat metabolism.
Exercise Promotes Muscle Gain
Well, this depends largely on the type of exercise you perform; weight bearing, anaerobic types providing significantly more onus for muscle growth that steady state aerobic varieties. Why is muscle growth important?
Muscle is where the “powerhouse” in our bodies is located. These powerhouses, better known as the mitochondria, is what’s responsible for the literal burning and oxidation of ATP. The more muscle we have, either the more of these power units we have, or the larger they are.
The result?
Greater caloric burn while doing absolutely nothing, including enhanced fat burning. It is also important for you to keep exercising, as the old adage, “use it or lose it” is very much true.
Tweaking Keto
There are keto adaptions for bodybuilders, athletes and others who perform intense exercise where carb intake revolves around exercise.
• Cyclical Ketogenic Diet - This plan is widely used by athletes, bodybuilders, weight lifters and anyone participating in high intensity exercise and features short periods of high carb intake. Typically 5 keto days followed by 2 high carb intake days.
• Targeted Ketogenic Diet - This plan is also used by bodybuilders, athletes and those who workout regularly to fuel intense workouts and features high load carb intake based around workouts.
If you’re trying to extract maximum benefit from the ketogenic lifestyle, exercise is a mandatory addition. Your health will significantly improve; including glucose and lipid profile, but so will your overall body composition.
If you truly want to look your best, you will not attain it unless you incorporate sessions of both aerobic (cardio) and anaerobic (weight bearing) sessions.
Exercise may seem difficult during the first two weeks or so of adapting to the ketogenic lifestyle, but once your body efficiently begins producing ketones, fat loss, strength, and muscle gains will ensue.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Low Carb Is Not A Diet, It's A Lifestyle!

You’ve undoubtedly heard of the low carb diet, or even tried it at one point in your life. Maybe you had some degrees of success, but found any “fad” diet too hard to maintain, typically, this is what happens with most people who choose fad diets to lose weight.
Well, news flash- low carb is not a “fad,” but rather a lifestyle change. While it can be adopted for a short period of time, you are merely scratching the surface of what can be achieved.
Not sure if you can manage the low carb lifestyle? It can be pretty simple, but that’s not to say it is effortless.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

How To Lose Weight And Improve Your Cholestrol

Low carbohydrate diets can help a person lose weight and can help a person maintain good health.
Carbohydrates and Cholesterol
One of the most common debates among dieticians is the role that carbs play in eating a healthy diet. Some dieticians believe that carbs aren’t essential for adequate nutrition and that it increases your risk of neurological disorders, cancer, and diabetes.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Grown-Up Diet Plan- Health Benefits of Low Carb Eating Besides Weight Loss

The Health Benefits Of Low Carb Besides Weight Loss
Low carb has been studied and it is well documented that their effectiveness is multi-faceted. Of course, the thousands of people who have lost a lot of weight and were able to keep it off makes a low carb eating plan something of an attractive proposition, especially since it is not your typical fad diet, but actually a lifestyle change.
Harvard completed a study that explored just how impressive the results of a low carb diet can be for weight loss, in comparison to a low-f diet that people tend to rely on for all of their weight loss needs.
By now, most people are aware how excellent low carb diets can be for rapid weight loss, but do they offer any other health benefits?
Yes, they do, and that is what makes a low carbohydrate diet such an attractive option when deciding what path to follow.
Additional Health Benefits
The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition explains what other effects a low carb diet has on the human body. Medical professionals have been using it since the 20’s to help epilepsy sufferers reduce the symptoms, furthermore in some cases has rendered the use of medication unnecessary.
There have also been strides made in proving that a low carb diet can be used as a therapeutic tool for a number of other conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, a number of strains of cancer, diabetes, and even acne.
The point of the study was to determine whether the preconceived notions surrounding ketogenic diets have prevented doctors from relying on it as a therapeutic method.
The Mayo Clinic has also explored the other effects that are seen when on a low carb diet. While citing many of the same issues listed by the EJCN, the Mayo Clinic has added cholesterol levels and high blood pressure to our list.
There are variations on what is considered a low carb diet
Anything from 20 grams to 150 grams can be considered low carb. 150 grams will not kick start ketosis to burn fat stores that actually requires less than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day.
Dr. Judith Wylie-Rosett led a study that makes mention of The American Diabetes Association belief that a low-carbohydrate, low-fat diet can be used to achieve improvement in both weight and metabolism, pointing to the Mediterranean diet as evidence.
The Mediterranean Diet
This is an interesting point because it’s well documented that the residents of countries in the Mediterranean have higher life expectancies, and while they do eat carbs, their carb intake is much lower than it would be in the United States, or the United Kingdom.
The Mayo Clinic breaks down the Mediterranean diet which hinges on eating plant-based foods, nuts whole grains, and legumes. Olive oils are used in place of butter, and herbs and spices replace salt. It is more common to eat white means and leave the red meat for the odd occasion, and meals are spent with family and friends and consumed over a few hours.
WHO has a list of life expectancies for every country and the United States average is 79, while Greece is 81, Spain is 83, and so is Italy.
There are a number of low carb diets that you can follow; you can be as strict or as lenient as you wish. Whether you are looking to lose weight, maintain muscle, or reduce your risk of heart disease.
In addition to the benefits listed above, a low carb diet can also serve as an appetite suppressant. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition explored the reasons why concluding that the high protein diet could be an explanation as to why.
Additionally, another similar study saw that participants on a diet that was high in protein and fat, but low in carbohydrates didn’t have the same food cravings as the participants did that were on a low-calorie, low-fat diet. This is because greatly reducing carbs and eliminating sugars, actually helps to regulate blood sugars so that the appetite is naturally suppressed eliminating those horrid out of control food cravings.
Get your copy of the Ketogenic Diet Plan at

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Fats, Truth Or Myths About Weight Loss

See, for years, decades even, we have been fed with misinformation, as a result of a correlational, and not a causational link. To illustrate, a great example would be to say, “People that are born have a 100% chance of dying.” We know that we all have to diet, but being born is not the direct cause of it. That sums up the similar assumptions made on fat.