Friday, December 28, 2018

Moringa "Tree Of Life" Supplement For Weight Loss

“Moringa” The Tree Of Life Food
What is it and what can it do for your health!!
Never Heard Of Moringa?
• Moringa “the miracle tree” plant’s healing properties has been used for centuries in southeast Asia.
Its leaves are available dried and ground into powders or capsules.

10 Powerful Benefits of Moringa
• * It’s nutrient-packed. Moringa is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
• * It fights free radicals
• * It fights inflammation
• * It helps reduce some diabetes symptoms
• * It protects the cardiovascular system
• * It supports brain health
• * It protects the liver
• * It contains antimicrobial and antibacterial properties

Weight Loss Benefits Of Moringa
How Can Moringa Help You Lose Weight?
Here’s the good news about taking Moringa: it won’t cause you to lose water weight or trick you into thinking you’re losing weight, only to find it comes right back the second you quit the supplement. Here’s the not-so-good news (if you’re not a patient person): it won’t cause dramatic weight loss results instantly.
This is what Moringa can do: it fills you up with insoluble fiber that prevents constipation and promotes a healthy digestive system. This high fiber content also slows food absorption, keeps your blood sugar regulated, and makes you feel fuller for longer periods of time. Aside from being a plant that is super-low in calories and high in nutrients like vitamins A, C and manganese, Moringa contains an antioxidant called chlorogenic acid. This antioxidant balances your blood sugar and acts as a fat burner, according to Live Strong.

Arthritis Benefits Of Moringa
In 2008, a study showed significant evidence that traditional uses of Morninga were particularly effective in treating arthritic pain and inflammation. While there’s no cure for arthritis that we know of…and joint disintegration can’t really be restored without a joint replacement, Moringa is showing a great deal of promise in providing relief. The study was done with the application of Moringa oil on painful joints but taking Moringa internally has proven to be quite the remedy for knee pain.
The study states: “When looking at arthritis from a diversity of perspectives, Moringa Oleifera has been used to treat the pain and inflammatory conditions caused by arthritis, a disorder affecting more than fifty million Americans, and other degenerative diseases. Omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids are found in Moringa Oleifera and the ratio is disproportionately omega 3 fatty acids.”

How To Take Moringa
• * Moringa Powder: You can add Moringa powder to your smoothies or soups, or use it as a tea. It does have a mild asparagus-like flavour, so expect it to taste “healthy”
• * Moringa dosage: Start with 1/2 to 1 Tablespoon of Moringa powder daily, or follow the recommendations on capsule supplements. In high does, Moringa can have a laxative effect, so watch to see what changes you notice in your body.
• * Moringa Oil: Look for pure Moringa oil, either organic or cold pressed.