Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Sugar Makes Us Fat- Sugar Industry Misled Us!!!

Sugar Industry Hid Its Link To Diseases
Investigators report that industry misled us all!!
They misled us that it was fats
In the 1960s, a debate began over the effect of sugar and fats on cardiovascular disease. Researchers say that the sugar industry, wanting to influence the discussion, funded research to look into sugar consumption.
And when it found data suggesting that sugar was harmful, the powerful industry pointed a finger at fats.
Newly uncovered historical documents indicate the industry never disclosed the findings of its work and effectively misled the public to protect its economic interests.

Food Industry
The researchers’ claim that the sugar industry misled the public mirror accusations the tobacco industry faced. A trial was held in 2004 to determine whether tobacco industry officials had intentionally deceived Americans for years into thinking that smoking did not cause cancer, despite acknowledging the dangers of smoking among themselves.
Eight months later, the tobacco industry was asked to pay $10 billion over five years to help millions of Americans quit smoking. The penalty was less than 8 percent of what the government had asked for when proceedings began.

Sugar Paid Off Studies

Tuesday’s report isn’t the first time that decades-old documents appear to show that the sugar industry distorted medical research. A 2015 report published in the journal PLOS Medicine described a national campaign in the 1960s to boost cavity prevention and a government research program created to curb tooth decay by the 1970s. But instead of encouraging people to eat less sugar, the government — swayed by sugar industry interests — pushed alternative methods such as ways to break up dental plaque and vaccines for fighting tooth decay.
In 1964, the group now known as the Sugar Association looked for ways to soften “negative attitudes toward sugar” after studies began linking sugar with heart disease. The group approved “Project 226,” in which it paid Harvard researchers today’s equivalent of $48,900 to write an article reviewing those studies. The article, published in 1967, concluded that there was “no doubt” that the only dietary intervention needed to prevent heart disease was reducing cholesterol and saturated fat. The researchers played down the effects of sugar, according to an analysis of historical documents published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine.

What I recommend:
• Educate yourself about what the food industry is doing to your health and life expectancy.
• Obesity , diabetes, cardiovascular disease, strokes and early ageing are result of far too much sugar in our diets.
Now that you have been made aware, don’t let the food industry continue to harm your health and shorten your life.

Mouthwash May Cause Obesity

Mouthwash May Cause Diabetes & Obesity
I know it sounds crazy!!!
It Kills Good Bacteria!
In a 2016 study, researchers found evidence that the popular mouthwash Listerine can control gonorrhea bacteria in people's mouth and throat.
While the antibacterial fluid is used to kill harmful oral bacteria, researchers of the new study said that it could also be indiscriminately killing the beneficial strains of microbes that provide protection against obesity and diabetes, as well as those that help the body produce nitric oxide.
Nitric oxide helps regulate the insulin levels of the body. It plays an important role in regulating metabolism, balancing energy, and keeping the body's sugar levels in check.

Frequency Of Use

• Mouth washes act on all bacteria in the mouth, the good and the bad. By removing the good bacteria it permits the harmful bacteria to grow and increase.
Latest research is recommending that you should limit your use of mouthwash to just once a day to avoid eliminating the helpful bacteria in the mouth.

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Monday, November 27, 2017


Treat Obesity & Diabetes With Cinnamon
We have been telling you this for a long time!
Benefits Of Cinnamon
Recent research is reporting that common Cinnamon which is popular food ingredient can lower cholesterol levels, relieve Alzheimer’s disease symptoms and is associated with decreasing the risk of diabetes and obesity.